Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Search for Beautiful Things

One thing that I have learned over the past few months is that no matter how bad things feel, you can always see beautiful things around you if you can just find the energy to look for them.

Sometimes of course things can seem so overwhelming that you just want to crawl into bed and hide, but at these times it's more important then ever to go and look at what's out there. You're almost guaranteed to see the things around you in a different way.

I'm no expert when it comes to films, but I remember a scene from American Beauty, where a boy made a video of some leaves blowing around in the wind. That scene has always stuck with me because I loved the idea of finding beauty in simple things.  That is exactly what we did today.

Five of us took this challenge and went out for 15 minutes simply to "find something beautiful". We came back together and showed each other what we had found, and were amazed at how many things were out there right in front of us.
We were also blessed today with beautiful weather after all the rain this week. The sun was shining, the leaves were gold and brown and Somero looked stunning.

If you have the time today, go for a walk, wherever you are in the world and whatever the environment in which you live. I guarantee you will find some beautiful things if you just remember to look for them.  

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