Then when she was getting dressed she said her first proper word "Sukka" (sock in Finnish). She said it three times so I am not imagining it.
Apologies for not having written this week, I currently have no internet connection - but hopefully this will be corrected soon. In the meantime, I wish you all a weekend full of good things, and Happy Name Day to Minttu!
Hyvää nimipäivää Minttu and good weekend for you Jody
Suddenly "sukka" seems like an extremely cute word <3
Here are two person in the picture,one is Minttu and the other,her mother is...I just can`t find the words...Jody is so wonderful friend that my words can´t tell that all what I FEEL... Thank You Jody...Minttu and You in picture... behaind my relaxion in the morning in the place,where I could be ´myself',..and I really was! And now in finnish.. Toivon sydämestäni,että kaikki te Jodyn ystävät ´kannattelette' häntä ja hänen aikaansaannoksiaan,joita on jo paljon:hyväntekeväisyyskonsertti,Somero's English Club'n tapaamiset ynnä muuta...ja kunnallisvaalit jo kohta ovella...
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