Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Bedtime Stories

Having spent most of the night coughing, getting out of bed this morning was a huge challenge. There are some mornings where the nicest thing in the world would just be to stay in bed, and today was one of them. However, as anyone with young children will know, a lie-in is a rare luxury, so I dragged myself out of bed despite my reluctance to do so.

And then after rushing around doing a million things, all of a sudden the day is over again. Cameron (who appears set to become someone's perfect husband) is making pancakes and Niko is asking for his bedtime story. He has two books that he is obsessed with at the moment and he wants the same stories every night. Nothing else will do.  He knows almost all the words too.

It all reminded me that however long your day is, and however tired you are, there is nothing as special as the moments spent with your family. They are the moments worth getting up for in the first place!


Katri said...

Haha, if Cam was a bit older I'd go out with him :P Just kidding...

Anonymous said...

Katri, Cam is getting older every day and Your and Cam´proportional age difference is getting smaller every day:)