Wednesday, October 16, 2013


I have a good friend, Simon, who lives in Bristol and is a writer. We met in a most unexpected way at the end of last year and have been friends ever since. One of the things we have in common  is our shared love of words, and the way they can make you feel if used in the right way.

Simon is a much more talented writer than I am...he is one of those people with an annoyingly big talent in fact. He can take a boring subject and make it worth reading about, simply by the words he chooses to use.

(OH...and Jane're the other person I know with this same talent. Things that you write are also worth reading just because you have written them).

Anyway, this morning Simon had sent me a message on Facebook about the leaves story I posted on the blog yesterday. Simon says that the leaves are being slow to fall in England, which means he can't "scrunch" in them yet as he is walking.

I don't know when I have last used or heard the word "scrunch".....but I have to say that hearing it this morning has already brightened up my whole day. There simply can't be many better words than that. SCRUNCH. Love it.
My friend Simon

And quite apart from that, I have decided that today is going to be a good one. Apart from the open tin of sweetcorn which fell out of the fridge onto the floor this morning and went everywhere that is.

Just a few minutes ago I stood underneath the oak tree in our garden and caught nine falling leaves before they hit the ground. I put them in my diary and made several wishes straightaway. And I also put a couple aside for a rainy day. Come to think of it, I think I will send one magic leaf to Simon, to thank him for reminding me of the word scrunch. I hope you too will have a day full of scrunching, irrespective of whether the leaves have fallen yet or not where you are. Happy autumn to you all!

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