Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Lucky Leaves

As I went outside this morning I looked at the trees and then at the ground, and my guess is that we are at about fifty fifty. Half the leaves are just about still in the trees and the other half have fallen already.

After the cold mornings of last week, it felt like a perfect autumn morning to me today. There was a light smattering of rain, a gentle breeze and at 12 degrees it didn't feel too cold at all.

Many years ago, a wise friend of mine from the Netherlands (hello Herman!) said that every once in a while we should all make sure we go out and walk in the rain. He said we it was important to take opportunities to go and feel close to nature, because it helped put other things that might be bothering us into perspective.

That conversation was a long time ago, but every time I see a beautiful rainy morning like this, those words come back to me. He was right. It feels good to feel the rain on your face every once in a while.

When I got back home from town I was amused to find a pheasant wandering around in the garden. Of course I grabbed my camera, but it wasn't in the mood to be photographed and ran off though the bushes into the field next door. (but I got him you can see from this photo!)

What I did manage to get though, was this magic leaf. It is magic because it has never touched the ground. I caught it just as it fell from the tree. I have heard that some people believe that catching such a leaf brings seven years good luck. In our family we count falling leaves as giving us a wish. I've made mine already and will kepp this leaf as a reminder of it. Wherever you are, I wish you a day full of positive things and hope that you catch at least one falling leaf this autumn.

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