After the cold mornings of last week, it felt like a perfect autumn morning to me today. There was a light smattering of rain, a gentle breeze and at 12 degrees it didn't feel too cold at all.
That conversation was a long time ago, but every time I see a beautiful rainy morning like this, those words come back to me. He was right. It feels good to feel the rain on your face every once in a while.
What I did manage to get though, was this magic leaf. It is magic because it has never touched the ground. I caught it just as it fell from the tree. I have heard that some people believe that catching such a leaf brings seven years good luck. In our family we count falling leaves as giving us a wish. I've made mine already and will kepp this leaf as a reminder of it. Wherever you are, I wish you a day full of positive things and hope that you catch at least one falling leaf this autumn.
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