Sunday, April 21, 2013

Spring Arrives in Somero

At last. After what seems like a millennium, we can see the grass again. And the roads and the rooves and the hills. Hurray. The snow is finally melting.

And to celebrate the beginning of spring, our very own squirrel is back to party in the garden. (don't take any notice of the date on the photo...I'm using Cameron's camera and the date was set wrongly).

Only one thing for it. Heat up the sauna, get some cold drinks and go and sit outside. Just because we can. My neighbour Anne and I have decided to sit in the sauna and put the world to rights. I'll let you know how we get on...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is studied and discovered that sauna improve creativeness.
Precident Kekkonen utilised it often by arranging meetings in sauna.
Jody, You are really Finnish now!