Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Catch the Somero Bugg

Kati and Jones
No, I'm not talking about vomiting, flu or repeated trips to the toilet. I am talking about the opportunity we had over this weekend in Somero to learn the dance called the "Bugg."

You may be wondering what earth the bugg is. I have to admit that until a few days ago I had no idea either.

Well, for those of you who know a little bit about Latin dances, the Bugg is a bit like the less sexy cousin of the merengue. Similar one, two, one, two footwork and many of the same arm movements - but more party than steamy. Merengue is from the Dominican Republic. Bugg is from Sweden. You see where I'm going with this.

Still, it was good fun and very much more so because of the wonderful teachers Kati Koivisto and Jones Kainulainen. If you are one of those people who thinks that you could never possibly learn to dance, then you should try a lesson with these two.

Having done most of my dancing in the UK (where dancers are not afraid to show they are having a good time) I have wondered at times why Finnish dance classes are sometimes so serious. I have seen salsa classes where the footwork is fantastic - but no-one is smiling - and that can't be right. But this wasn't the case at all with Kati and Jones.

Everyone left the class in a better mood than when they arrived, because the teachers managed to pass on their love of music and dance to the class - and that is surely what dancing should be all about. Feeling good in what you are doing.

Kati and Jones give classes all over Finland and will be back in Somero next Easter - so if you are looking for a little fun then put it in your diary right now. No better way to burn off all those chocolate eggs.

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