Monday, April 15, 2013

Reasons to Smile

Just had this conversation....

"How's it going?"
"Not sure really. Just one of those days...."
"Anything bad happened?"
"How are you feeling?"
"Not sleeping?"
"Not much..."
"Anything exciting been happening?"
"Me neither."

"Guess we have to hope something good happens tomorrow then."
"We've been saying that for several years."
"Well at least we haven't given up hope yet..."
"I think I might have..."
"No. You're not allowed to. You've got to keep thinking positive."
"We've been saying that as well...."
"Because you know it's true."
"I suppose so.."
(Both sigh)

"Well I guess I'd better go to bed now then."
"Me too."
"I hope you sleep better tonight."
"You too."
"Maybe tomorrow something incredible will happen."
"Yeah. Maybe."
"Let's just keep believing that."
"Talk tomorrow then."
"Yeah. Talk tomorrow."
(Both laugh)

Because no matter what challenges life may throw at you....real friends are always ready to share its journey with you. Thank God for friendship. Wishing you all a better tomorrow....

1 comment:

Joie said...

This is very reminiscent of similar conversations I have w/ a close friend. 16 years and we still hope for a better tomorrow despite what life has thrown at us. Love this.