Saturday, April 6, 2013

How Much is Twenty Euros?

What would you do with twenty euros? Today my family spent more than that eating a sandwich in a cafe. I then spent almost the same amount in the carwash. In Finland twenty euros could also buy you half a haircut, two and a half packets of cigarettes or about three magazines.

In the developing world it could provide enough food for a family for a week. Yet today 17,000 children will die because they do not have enough to eat. That is so wrong that there are no words to describe it. There is enough food in the world to prevent a single case of starvation, yet we look out for ourselves so much that we still haven't come up with a system that will make this happen.

And at the same time I get posts on my Facebook page saying things like "British taxes for British people...stop foreign aid." Would the people who post trash like this be saying that if it were their children who were about to die this evening? I doubt it.

I am lucky enough to have many friends who care about issues like these. I also know the majority struggle with knowing what to do. The result is that many people who genuinely care still don't do anything. That is wrong too. I strongly believe that each of us should find a way to make a contribution, however challenging that may seem.

Today I am asking you a favour. Let's make a start this weekend. Most days 300-400 people read this blog. Sometimes it's more than 1000. Please, if you are one of them and you have twenty euros you can spare - give it to an organisation who can make it work. And do it today. Together that will be a lot of money and will go towards helping a lot of people. (I just have).

Finns can do this easily. Just text the word "LAHJA" to the number 16499 and your €20 will go to the hungry through kirkonulkomaanapu.

I don't believe that a single person reading this will go to bed hungry this evening. Please, let those of us lucky enough to be in that position do something CONCRETE this weekend to ensure that a few more people in the world have enough to eat. There is little we can achieve on our own, but together we genuinely can change the world. That's it. Thank you.


Puddingwife said...

Is there anyway to track how many responded to this? It was such as easy thing to do!

Anonymous said...

Many people think that starvation is caused by laziness of those who are starving, and life on one´s own hand.
That is why they do not help anybody.
Did Syrian refugee caused their problems? Can one control everything what happens to them?
Of cource not, it is bullshit.
It is only excuse to be egoistic.