Thursday, February 7, 2013

Write that Letter

At the very beginning of this year I met up with my friend Anne Siekkinen and we talked about New Years' Resolutions. I always have a list of things to try and achieve at the beginning of every year, but Anne and I thought of a new one to add to the list. We decided that this year we would write at least one letter each month to someone significant. I wrote my January letter to someone very special to me. As I put the letter in the envelope, it thought how nice it was to be sending something through the post that had nothing to do with taxes, administrative matters or bills. I have not written February's letter yet, but I have an idea as to where it is going.

I am quite old-fashioned when it comes to letters. What I mean by that is that I find writing letters and cards to people to be really important. We spend so much time these days (me included) communicating by text and email and Facebook, that letter writing has become quite unusual, and I find that really sad.

Texts and emails are of course a very valuable (and quick) way of communicating, but most end up being lost or deleted, whereas you can keep a letter forever.

Somero's New Winter Postcards

This morning I received a letter from a friend who I was a university with, someone I haven't heard from for a while. It was a lovely surprise to get her letter, particularly as it was hand-written. She probably has no idea yet how much it brightened my day. In addition to that, another friend, Heidi, gave me a card she had written this week with a beautiful message on both sides, and which I have carried with me ever since.

In these days of electronic messaging, where we can contact someone on the other side of the world in just a few seconds, we sometimes forget how much an old-fashioned letter or card can mean to the person who receives it.

So, if it's a while since you have received anything other than an advert or a bill through the post, then please let me know. I have a big collection of Somero postcards and would be happy to send one to anyone who passes me their address. I challenge you to send a letter or card to someone this weekend, particularly as Valentines Day (or in Finland Friendship Day) is fast approaching. It will almost certainly mean more to the recipient than you will ever know. Just like mine did this week.


Katri said...

Last time I wrote a letter was last summer when I wrote to my ex boyfriend. His sister had been one of my best friends but I felt like I can't meet her anymore and I tried to explain to situation to him because I knew that he would listen better. And at the same time I told him that I still loved him, which was the other reason I couldn't keep seeing them anymore.

It just felt like a matter far too big to explain in a simple e-mail, it needed to be a letter.

Anna said...

I saw the cards u had done at Anne's place yesterday. So nice! She also introduced me at your blog (and to your letter project).

I didn't even know that somebody writes about Somero. Thumbs up for u! U are doing such a great job promoting Somero all over the world (which we can clearly see from your 50 000 hits).

Keep the good work going on! And congrats about Tiana, she's the cutest ever!

Lots of Love,
Anna from the city of Salo