Sunday, July 28, 2013

Birthday Wishes

Yesterday was my birthday. It was the first year that neither of my parents were any longer able to call and say happy birthday, so in some ways felt a bit odd. At the same time though I had a lovely day with friends on the coast and in the sunshine.

I was also presented with a birthday cake and was able to make a birthday wish. In Finland the wish is made when you blow out the candles, where as in England it is when you cut the cake, so I took the easy solution and made the same wish twice.

I would love to let you in on what I wished for but of course everyone knows that birthday wishes have to remain secret or they won't come true!

Let's just say that I was very grateful for the company of lovely people yesterday... and if my wish is granted at some time in the future then I will certainly let you know.

In any event thank you to all those who made yesterday a special day. I wait with anticipation to see what the next year of life brings with it. If there is one thing I am certain of it is unlikely to be boring!

1 comment:

Katri said...

I'm glad you had a great time! Wish I could've been there but I was thinking of you <3