Saturday, July 20, 2013

This One is for You Dad!

I decided that today I should dedicate this post to my Dad, whom of course I still think about every day and whom I miss more than words can describe.

Dad was someone who was obsessed with numbers. He could sit for hours and play with figures, adding, dividing and multiplying them...and he would find them anywhere. In my wallet I still have five pound notes which my Dad had kept because the serial numbers were special to him in some way. He had dated each of them and kept them for the last thirty years before he died. Now they are one of my most important possessions.

He especially loved the way numbers worked together. I think he found their logic and predictability comforting, in ways that he never found about about life itself.

If my Dad had still been here then he would have loved today, which is one of the reasons why this post is dedicated to him.

Today is exactly a year and half since this blog started (on 20 January 2012), it is the weekend when it will reach 100,000 hits and also the 300th post that I have written.

My Dad would have loved all those significant things happening at the same time and he would have made me repeat them to him until they were clear in his head. Then he would have sat with his calculator and come up with some sort of theory about them.

He was a complex, eccentric and unique man who was not always easy to be around but who loved me - and whose love I carry with me every day of my life.

I am not completely clear on my own views on life after death, but I still hope that my Dad is out there somewhere watching over me. No one can prove that there is another life waiting for us after this one, but no one can prove that there isn't either. So Dad, if you're reading this I hope you enjoy all these big numbers and you are sitting with your calculator analysing them somewhere up there in heaven. Thank you for being the person you were. I miss you more than you will ever know.

1 comment:

Katri said...

I myself believe strongly in reincarnation, and that the souls of those who were close to each other in previous lives are drawn together in second ones too. So I'm sure that you and your father will meet again :)