Thursday, July 4, 2013

Make Your Own Memories

I have lost three people close to me over the last year. This has meant a great deal of sadness on one hand, but on the other I have been made to think about things in a way in which perhaps I wouldn't have done otherwise.

My Uncle Pentti, my lovely Dad and my second Mum Anja were very different from each other, but each remarkable in their own way. At the end, of course, material things such as money and property mean nothing at all. But happy memories meant the world to each of these people. They were the things that each concentrated on the most.

These losses led to several conversations that I will never forget, both with these special people themselves and also with close friends of mine who are still here.

We all agreed that apart from the obvious things like holding on to love and family and friendship, the best investment you can make in your future is to create as many happy memories as possible. I firmly believe that it is worth taking the time to think about the moments when you feel the happiest, while you still have the chance to live them.

Some dreams may be big ones (I am still determined to dance salsa in Cuba..and I know a few people who may well come with me. Jill and Michael? Rob. Manuel? You up for it?!)

But other happy memories can be made from very small things. Special moments that can spring up without warning. The important thing is to remember to enjoy and savour them. For me, one of the times I feel the happiest is when I am taking photos, especially of nature.... and especially of squirrels. So when I went outside this morning to find out that someone had discovered my "secret" store of nuts and spread them all over the front yard the moment was right there in front of me.

Word of this magnificent feast had spread to three squirrels who spent the morning partying in the garden. If there is such a thing as a nut hangover then I am sure that all three of them have one right now. So anyway, I remembered my three special people, grabbed my camera, and created another happy memory. For those of you who, like me, are squirrel people, here are some photos you might enjoy.

But whoever you are reading this, why not take the challenge of creating yourself a happy memory today. It's not difficult to do, you just have to remember not to forget.


janestheone said...

I'll consider that a challenge! Andrew went to work in the UK last weekend and will not be back until mid-September so I am very much alone at present. But happy memories can be found.

jodymerelle said...

Let me know What You decided to do Jane! Excuse capitals. Phone gone bonkers. Hope to see You Somewhere,some time x x