Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Bank with a Difference

Do you remember those days when you could walk into a bank and speak to a real person? Or you could call and talk to a human being instead of a machine? And the people you spoke to knew who you were and were willing to help with whatever it was you needed? My guess is that it is a fairly safe bet that such a scenario sounds like a different world to the one you know...as though I am describing another planet altogether. Banks with real people inside them and genuine customer service don't actually exist anymore do they?

Well actually one does.  And I have been so impressed by the service inside this bank that I felt it was worth a post all of its own.

The bank I am talking about is Somero Säästöpankki - and if there was a customer service award to be presented this week I would suggest this bank as the winner. Let me tell you why.

When you walk in you are greeted with a smile. The staff know who almost all the customers are and take their time to deal with each person individually. (How long has it been since you have experienced good customer service in a bank?)

If you need to speak to someone in private, then you can get an appointment very quickly - often on the same day. When you arrive you are offered something to drink. (They even have hot chocolate.) The person you see then remembers your issue the next time you go in - knows who you are and why you are there and has always done whatever they promised to do on the last occasion. They answer the phone, they ring you back when they promise to do so, and they don't keep you hanging on the line for nothing.

My experience of this bank is that they not only do what a good bank should, but they go beyond that, and actually care about the clients they are dealing with.

I think most people nowadays would agree that the whole banking industry has become much less customer-friendly over the last ten years. But I am happy to say that in Somero Säästöpankki I have found at least one complete exception to that rule - and that is such a rare thing nowadays that it has to be worth celebrating. (And no...just in case you were wondering...I have not been sponsored to write this post. Its actually true.)


Anonymous said...

I fully agree. I'm an another happy customer to this bank that actually is there for me and for my money and not just to take advantage of me by gambling with mine and everyone else's money. AND the kids are welcome too, honestly welcome, not just "we'll just have to put up with people's kids in order to keep our customers happy"-welcome. Thumps up.

jodymerelle said...

You're right..last time I was there with my little boy and we left his neuvola card there by mistake. Anu from the bank rang me within five minutes to let me know...