Friday, December 14, 2012

Smiling Again

Minttu and Mummy up to mischief
After what can only be described as a rough week, today I made up my mind that things are now going to get better for our family. Full stop. And it started today.

I had messages from no less than twelve of my friends today - reminding me how lucky I am to have such special people in my life. So to all of you, in Finland, France, Columbia and the UK who got in touch today thank you for making me smile again!

I have lost a lot of things this year, but I still have wonderful children, irreplaceable friends and Somero, where I finally feel I belong. Our next step is to find our own house so that we have somewhere to call home again. Hopefully we will find the right place soon.

Amidst all the angst of recent times the planning for Christmas I would normally be doing at this time of year has practically passed me by. But today I caught up a little and made sure that the little ones will not be forgotten by Father Christmas in ten days time. Is it really only ten days until Christmas?

Anyway, for all Santa's little helpers out there, have a happy weekend and however bad things get, don't ever give up believing in a better tomorrow. I haven't.


Katri said...

I'm really admiring you that you can be so strong even after all this :) Have strenght!

janestheone said...

bigging you up Jody for your fortitude and your smile. Your children are lucky to have you as a mum. Let's all believe in a better tomorrow. Doing that makes for a better today!

Anonymous said...

That first photo is fantastic!