Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy Christmas

Luca, Saskia, Minttu, Niko, Lucie and Cameron
I wasn't sure what to expect from this Christmas, but in the end it turned into a lovely day. We were lucky that Father Christmas found us even though we had moved house, and the children woke up to find that the carrots and mince pies they had left for Santa had all been eaten. Quite how he got in I am not sure, as we do not have a chimney in this flat, but I guess Santa is an enterprising sort of chap.

One of my best presents was the fact that the children did not wake up until past ten o´clock, so I got the first lie in I have had in a long time. It was an excellent start to the day.

We opened our presents, then took turns choosing what music we would listen to. After my salsa selection Lucie put on something which I didn't understand (was it actually music?) but I guess that's the way it goes when you are the parent of a sixteen-year-old.  In any event Minttu kept us all entertained as she will dance to anything, even Lucie's "music".

In the afternoon we had a big Christmas dinner, roast potatoes, carrots, cauliflower cheese, broccoli, stuffing, vegetarian turkey and cranberry sauce. Minttu would not let me feed her but insisted on eating sweetcorn with her fingers. Another independent woman who knows what she wants.

We were joined by a doneky, fairy and police officer
We were not expecting guests today, but in fact we were happy to be joined by a donkey, fairy and police officer. You never know who is going to turn up at Christmas. Anything can happen. Anyway, it was all fine until the police officer got very aggressive with a cracker and then decided to arrest the fairy, which did not go down well at all.

I'm arresting you for getting down from the top of the tree...
Still, at least there was no chance of getting bored.

We have had messages today from friends all over the world which really has been the highlight of Christmas for all of us. Wherever you are as you read this I wish you all a very happy Christmas. I hope your Christmas is full of peace, love, friendship and hope for better things next year.

And just a small piece of advice - if you see a small police officer (around 98 cm) walking around Somero, I suggest you do your best to avoid him. You don't know what he might do, I'm sorry to say the power has gone to his head. At the moment he is trying to arrest anything that moves. Be warned.
Yes I AM going to win that quality plastic present in this cracker

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder why "Pikku Myy's" music didn't get your groove on... Absolutely fine that you succeeded to spend the Xmas together and chill out a bit!