Friday, December 14, 2012

Find Something Beautiful

If I told you how bad today had been you wouldn't believe it. It would sound like the plot to a bad novel. So I won't dwell on the details.

Instead, it was one of those days where it became particularly necessary to go out and look for something positive. So I made up my mind that I would find something beautiful today, no matter what. I had an interesting conversation about beauty over the weekend with my friend Simon - and we discussed what that word actually meant. I guess beauty is different to each of us. Some of is find certain objects beautiful, whereas others would not. And thankfully beauty in a person means something different to us all, as otherwise life would be tough for those of us not born with a face designed by the angels!

I have found out over the last couple of weeks, as I have sat with my Dad in hospital, that I am lucky enough to have a father who finds me beautiful. Even if he is the only person in the world who has this view, to me hearing it was priceless, and something I will remember forever. Especially on the bad days.

Anyway, as I left the house this morning, there, right in front of me, was a cobweb on the gate in the garden which had completely frozen.  It looked like something out of a fairytale. I found that symbolic somehow. Beautiful things are all around us, however many challenges life throws our way sometimes. And who knows?  Maybe even this story has a happy ending. We'll just have to wait and see.


Anonymous said...

I did calculate 1+1 and result was sad,I am really sorry!

Beautiful? It is so obvious that You are, that is why people forget to say it to You. In Finland we do not say such kind things very often.

Katri said...

I agree with Kyösti. YOU are beautiful, don't ever forget that :)