Friday, December 21, 2012

End of the World?

The whole world has been talking about the fact that tomorrow is supposed to be our last day. As in the end of the world. In our family we are fairly certain that if this happens, it is because Saskia turns 18 on Saturday, and her reaching adulthood is probably more than the world is ready for.....

Saskia turning 18 may be why the world is set to end tomorrow
Seriously though, I just watched a documentary on Mayan civilisation and the predictions they made. One of the archaeologists made what I thought was a very interesting point. She said that when there is a lot of talk about the world ending, at the very least it makes us sit up a bit and give some thought as to what is really important in life. The things that we really value.

I like that idea. If we are lucky enough to still be here on Saturday, then perhaps that is something that we all should do. None of us can be quite certain as to how we got here or how long the world will survive - but seeing as we are here for the moment - I guess it is up to us to make the most of it while it lasts.

With all this talk of the end of the world, and my dad reaching the end of his life in any event - you certainly realise how little material things matter.

Surely what matters is friendship, family, love and taking the opportunities that present themselves to us, in order to create memories that will last forever.

I am lucky. I have an abundance of friendship in my life, a wonderful family - and despite everything I have still not given up on the idea of finding love one day. (My Dad even gave me some money yesterday and told me it was for "the wedding."  What wedding Dad?  Maybe he knows something I don't?!)

If the Mayans were wrong (or even a little out on the dates), then 2013 will be the year to create some new memories. And I mean good ones this year. I hope some of you reading this will join me in doing so. Let's make the most of life whilst we are still here to live it!

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