Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bird Morning

Once again, it's beautiful outside this morning. The snow is falling and everything just seems peaceful somehow. I have said before that I am quite sure that the birds have a way of telling each other where to find food, because they all seem to suddenly appear at the same time.

I went outside to see them this morning and there were so many birds singing that if you shut your eyes it sounded as though it was the beginning of spring. Without exaggerating, I could see at least fifty of them in the trees close to our front door.

This winter I have not managed to get any really good bird photos yet (I will keep trying), but I thought I would share an "almost" photo with you. The blurred silhouette on the right-hand side is evidence that I was a split second too late, but I kind of like this photo anyway. It feels quite artistic even though it was a pure accident on my part!

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