Thursday, September 26, 2013

September Leaves

Theres no denying it anymore. It's getting cold. As I took the little ones to nursery this morning, it was 1.5 degrees in Somero. On the plus side...but only just.

The good news is that it no longer matters that our fridge is too small as the terrace is now cold enough to store food and drinks for the foreseeable future. The bad news is that it is only a matter of days before we are back to scraping ice off our windscreens in the mornings.

Still, it's pretty outside with all the warm autumn colours everywhere. I was looking through some photos this afternoon and I found this one which I thought pictured the shades of autumn quite nicely.

I am having one of those weeks when everything has decided to break at the same time. I dropped my phone last week which promptly smashed to pieces, the dishwasher is no longer washing dishes and to top it all the exhaust fell off the car as I was going over a speed bump. They say that things happen in threes, so let's hope nothing else breaks before the weekend.

Still, they are only things after all, which can all be replaced eventually. So for the time being I will try and take a few walks in the crisp autumn air in Somero and enjoy the colours before winter really hits us. Sending a warm September hug from Somero....


Manu said...

As they say that things happen in threes, so the next three MUST be good least i hope so

Anonymous said...

Anyhow it is one of the best times to go to forest and enjoy about colorfulness as well as freshness of autumnal weather.

janestheone said...

how lovely the leaves are. Ours are only just starting to turn, and it is 24 C or so in the afternoons but now chilly at night, and the heating is on in some rooms. I want to be in the forest in Finland!