Sunday, September 29, 2013

Make Today a Good One

Looking at the sky can be inspirational
This is my challenge for you today. Over the last few days there have been some genuinely tricky moments and some really lovely ones. So I decided on Friday evening that the thing to do was to focus my memory on the lovely things that had happened (there were several this week) and to make a conscious decision to make the weekend as good as I possibly could.

Over the years I have discovered that the first step towards getting the most out of life is to take the time to understand the things you enjoy doing. You'd be surprised to know how many people never even give this any thought - but then still wonder why life appears so dull.

So far my Friday decision has brought rewards. Yesterday was one of the best days I have had in a long time. It involved nature, writing, taking photos, being outside, friendship, a film, candles and good food. The film was only mediocre but the day was still really good. And although it is not yet ten o'clock on Sunday as I write these words, this morning has also started off well.

I turned on the computer this morning to find several messages from friends old and new. That's always a good start to any day.  I also had a lovely note from Mihaela, a Romanian who has been living in Somero and is currently preparing for a trip to India. I have promised to post pictures of Somero so she doesn't forget what it looks like when she is away!

Having lived several months when I felt as though my inspiration and creativity were locked away in a box somewhere, it now feels as though they are gradually starting to come back...and I hear that the same is happening to several of my friends too. Which is good news all round.

When in the forest yesterday I found a clearing between several tall trees, lay on my back on the forest floor and took this picture of the sky. Somehow every time I have looked at it since it has reminded me of that moment. I hope it can serve to pass on a little of the creativity and inspiration that I am feeling at the moment. And to Päivi, my very good friend who is currently creating her own inspirational project in the UK... this forest path is for you. Who knows what magic the trees are hiding? If you do one thing today...take my Sunday challenge and make this the best day you possibly can. With love from Somero....

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