Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Our Very Own Top Model

Just a quick note tonight as I am really tired and have been looking forward to going to bed since I woke up this morning!

In order to relax in the evenings we sometimes sit down as a family and watch some sort of reality tv programme. One of them is Finland's Top Model. I don't even know why really, as none of us is interested in modelling or fashion or anything to do with that world in general. I guess it's just one of those programmes that let's you switch off mentally - it's so far removed from our everday lives. Anyway, that wasn't really the point.

The point is this. My confidence has been knocked quite a bit lately by certain events at work and I know several other people at the moment whose self esteem is not where it should be.  I thought these photos might help!

Minttu does not fit top model criteria.  At just over 80cm, with a set of wiggly teeth and certainly not very steady on a catwalk she still has top model attitude. If you told her she couldn't be a top model she wouldn't believe you.  In fact as soon as she sees my camera she starts smiling. Here are some poses.......

So I thought I would send all those of you (us) suffering from a knock to our confidence a bit of Minttu attitude.  Never mind what the rules say, or whether you're exactly what other people want you to be. The important thing is to believe in yourself. 

Hold your head up high, get your wiggly teeth out and SMILE to the world.  You're ok exactly the way you are!


Katri said...

She's just so adorable. <3

janestheone said...

this meant a big thing to me, just on a day when my confidence was knocked, big up Minttu, may you always greet the world with your smile

jodymerelle said...

Sorry to hear you had a bad day Jane, hope things are a little better. Remember that you were the BEST EVER office companion I have ever had, and I still miss you loads! You have the ability to make people laugh even on the dullest of days. And you're fab in a million other ways, so don't let anyone knock you, please. And another thing...