I took a picture. I don't like it particularly, and certainly don't find it flattering, but I want you to see what I saw. Anything else wouldn't be real.
I found out this week that in a few months I am going to lose my job. Obviously this was not good news anyway, but it was made even less enjoyable by the fact that I was told the news in the middle of the staff canteen whilst on a coffee break. Classy, I thought.
I don't have all the answers yet,
but I know that wherever she ends up, the person I saw this morning wants to find a way to help others who are going through a tough time. And at least when someone tells me that they are having a difficult time at work, I will be able to look them in the eye and say I understand. Because I do. By the way, I took these pictures on the way to the office this morning, because I think it is always worth stopping to see beautiful things, even if it is just the colour of the sky.
So if you are feeling insecure, or attacked by someone or just a bit lost - take a few moments to look at the person you see in the mirror. You never know, you might see someone looking back at you who has more to offer than you thought.
Haters can hate, but you are a really wonderful person, Jody. I have no idea who said such thing or why, but I can't think of any reasonable excuse. This might sound lousy because I'm still a student with practically no job experience, but I believe that you said you hated your job, so isn't this more of a relief? You're now free to do something you can really enjoy. Only time shows, but it's not the end. I'm sure you'll find something very useful to do with your life, something which hopefully doesn't include sitting in a gray office and being bossed around by idiotic people who don't care about others at all.
Jodie, this is a very strong post and I like "deep" things as much as I like the more superficial things in life like food or having fun. It's both important for the soul to grow.
Sometimes people or things seem harsh or bad or negative to us, like the person who told you to look at yourself. But the person has inspired you to truly, really look at yourself and helped you find a revelation about yourself. It's courageous of you to post that picture and your thoughts about it. I don't think the person was a "hater". Some people are harsh, but sometimes it needs to hurt for us to heal.
I can sometimes be "too honest" in the sense that I say things that people didn't want to hear. I still try to be kind, but I cannot remain silent for too long, even if I know it may hurt the person. On the other hand, I can also take a lot of harsh criticism without being permanently hurt. Pain can be sign of healing. And it can bring out the best in us.
And you know it may sound funny, but I actually don't think it is entirely bad news that you will lose your job.
Whenever you talked about this job, your face went dark. I could hear (and read) the dread in your voice. You hated this job. It made you feel miserable.
Now sure, you are afraid that you won't find a new one. But I have the strong feeling that you are direly needed elsewhere. You don't know yet and not knowing makes you feel afraid. Do not fear. You will be fine.
Losing this job may end up as the best thing that happened to you in a long time.
Wish you all the best and see you tomorrow!
In the future you can spend more time with your children.Now they are little ones and need mother a lot.Time you give to them is like treasure.Niinkuin suomessa sanotaan,lapset ovat vain kerran pieniä ja sen minkä annat heille nyt,tulee takaisin sitten,kun olet vanha.He ovat suurimpia aarteitamme ja myös miehesi kanssa kannattaa viettää laatuaikaa kaksistaan.Kaikki muu tulee sitten vasta perästä.Hyvää jatkoa
Wise words Stephanie!
"Look in the mirror" is one of the most said phrase of management nowadays.
I was 18 when I lost my job. I think that reason was attitude, mine attitude as well as my foremans. I was really shy to ask help and foreman didn´t want to advise me.
It was on of the best thing ever happened to me, that they paid me out.
I had to find new employer and new attitude. I found new emloyer who was friendly and atmosphere was good. My successful career began in that atmosphere.
I am sure You are successful in job which is challenging enough to You, and You feel enthusiasm to do it. Positive thinking for work is essential and do good for You too.
Salut Jody,
Nouvel essai... j'essaye régulièrement de commenter ton blog que je lis très souvent et avec énormément de plaisir. Malheureusement, il y a un beug...
Bref, ce que je voulais te dire, c'est que si il y a bien une personne qui peut se regarder dans un mirroir, sans rougir et avec fierté c'est toi. Tu es la personne la plus admirable et la plus forte que je connaisse. Ce n'est pas la première fois que dans ta vie tu as dû tourner une page, te relever d'une épreuve, rebondir sur de l'imprévu. Jusqu'à présent tu l'as toujours fait avec succès. Si ton chef n'a pas su voir quelle belle personne tu es.. dommage, tant pi pour lui, tant mieux pour toi. C'est le destin qui a choisi pour toi et pris la décision que tu n'arrivais pas à prendre. Tu n'aimais pas ce job, c'est l'occasion de faire autre chose. Je souhaite que désormais tes journées te remplissent de bonheur. Peut-être trouveras tu une nouvelle activité à Somero, cette ville que tu aimes tant. Enseigner, écrire, transmettre ta joie de vivre... Prends le temps de réfléchir, profites de ta merveilleuse famille, tes enfants sont ta plus belle réussite. Passe du temps avec ton mari et prends enfin soin de toi. J'ai cru voir que ta santé était capricieuse ces derniers temps. Ne t'oublie pas, pense aussi à toi. Si désormais tu peux t'épanouir professionnellement, peut-être que ta santé sera meilleure. Je pense très souvent à toi, bon courage pour la suite, à bientôt peut-être, au moins sur le web ;o) Katy
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