Friday, May 17, 2013

My Street

When I was a little girl I used to sit and wonder when I would find a place that felt like home. At that time my parents and I lived in a small flat in the middle of London. I remember there being a lot of cars, a lot of people and many tall blocks of flats. All the front doors were the same.  There was a lot of concrete, only the occasional tree and most of the time there were piles of rubbish in the street. I didn't feel as though I belonged there.

The street where we now live
I left London at the age of seventeen and have never really missed it. To many people London is a town full of excitement and opportunity. But it was never home to me.

For years and years I travelled all over the place, first as a disc jockey, then as a student and then a lawyer. In between I also taught English, lived in many places, married more than once and had seven children. I met many interesting people and saw many beautiful places. I have spent time with people who have more money than I could ever imagine having myself and have also shared experiences with people who in material terms have almost nothing, but were rich in other ways. I am lucky. I have seen a lot and I have learned a lot. Every experience has been an enriching one.

Despite all of those experiences though, it took many, many years before I found a place where I felt I belonged. I kept hoping that one day I would arrive somewhere and just know that this place was home. Finally that day has arrived. Ten years ago I would never have believed that I would come back to settle in Finland, but right now it feels like the most natural thing in the world.

I stumbled across Somero almost by accident a few years ago and came to live here in 2011. Now, finally, after last year's changes to our family, the children and I have our own house. For the first time in my life, I know where I belong. It is here.

There are still lots of questions I hope to have answered one day, but at least this is one which I no longer have to worry about. I have found my home, and for that I will always be grateful. Whatever challenges you face during the day, it is always a comfort to know that when evening comes you can escape to the security of a place you feel you belong. In our case, it was a long time coming, but it was definitely worth the wait.


MIO said...

I am very glad to hear that you found your home. I have never been to Somero before, so I would like to visit !!!!

sari said...

minusta on huikean mukavaa, että asetuitte tänne!! Halauksia ja ihanaa tupariviikonloppua!! Sari