Yes, it's true that we have four distinct seasons over here, and that is a good thing. And on the days when there is a snow-covered landscape and the sun is shining, the scenery looks stunning. People ski, skate, sledge, build snowmen and rave about how beautiful it all is.
But there is none of that right now. The weather has been hovering around freezing in the south of Finland for the last two weeks. Something is coming out of the sky almost all of the time, but it can't make up its mind whether it's rain, snow or sleet. Driving conditions are unpredictable, the roads are slippery and walking the dog is a challenge.
It's cold, and the strong winds are making it feel colder. The photos I took yesterday in Helsinki looked bleak - like they have had the colour sucked out of them.
But on the positive side, it's February already. The days are getting longer all the time, Valentine's day is around the corner and spring will definitely arrive at some point or another.
Some may get excited about winter, but for my part I am looking forward to seeing crocuses, daffodils and sunshine. Until then I wish you all a warm and happy February, wherever you may be.
Yes, it´s hard on one way or an another.
If the sun is shining some days at this time of year, temperature chills down to minus 30 or more cold, but if it´s very cloudy, it´s gloomy also but temperature stays around zero level.
This broad definition allows for multiple interpretations...when it comes to winter's pros and cons :)
However, most of us do agree that a few degrees C below zero is the best and 'acceptable' weather in the winter...whether you are keen on skiing, chopping wood,riding etc. to mention a few things to do.
All in all, days are getting longer when it comes to brightness and the spring is coming, sooner or later.
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