The good news is that a fairy arrived this afternoon, and after a quick spell everyone seemed to start getting better again. Who says that magic doesn't exist?
The older children started back at school's hard to believe that they will be breaking up for the summer in just over four months from now...
On the way back from an appointment in Helsinki this afternoon I popped in to see Raili from the Somero English Club who has just come out of hospital from a knee operation. Hello Raili, we are all thinking of you! Raili will be stuck at home now for several weeks recovering, so if you have any get well messages for her then I know she would appreciate them. I delivered the first of our angel army to her to help her on her way...the rest will be delivered soon.
After the last two days of housework and sickness in our house, I turned to the one thing guaranteed to make everything ok again. Ice cream, whipped cream and caramel sauce. Not healthy perhaps, but guaranteed to make everyone smile. Even the moody fairy.
I hope you get well soon Raili!! xxxx Saskia :)
Parane pian Raili!
Oh you poor thing. Three sick children! We had just one of our daughters (the younger one) vomiting the other night, and that was more than enough. Thank goodness for washing machines... Hope the get-better fairy continues to wave her wand over you.
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