Monday, March 19, 2012

Grey Morning

The view on the way to Helsinki this morning...
Can anyone think of anything cheerful or happy this morning?

It is my first morning back at work after having Minttu last July.  It was so hard to say goodbye to her that I left an hour later than I should have done from Somero and then cried in the car. I hadn't slept all night anyway.

All I could think about was her little hands and feet flapping around like a Flamenco dancer.  Because I left so late, I caught all the traffic in Espoo and it took two hours to get to Helsinki.

And the weather was horrendous.  It was sleeting and it looked like late November again.  On top of this my head feels as though it will explode and my neck has knives in it.

When I got here I turned as though to get Minttu out of the car and then I realised that she wasn't there and my stomach sank. I miss her so much!

And when I look out of my window Akseli and Elina are nowhere to be seen.....

I am in desperate need of a ray of sunshine...has anyone got some to spare?


Anonymous said...

On mesure l'amour en côtoyant l'absence.
On mesure le bonheur en ayant vécu le malheur.
On mesure la richesse en étant passé par la pauvreté.
Comme toujours, il faut souvent passer par les deux extrêmes pour mieux comprendre les choses et les situations.
Ce matin, JODY, ce ne sont pas tes yeux qui ont pleurés, c'était ton coeur qui se trouvait en mal d'amour. Dans la vie, il est parfois nécessaire de vivre de tels moments pour mesurer la chance que l'on a d'avoir une famille à soi.....

Anonymous said...

Poor little biche! I feel for you, I know how you feel. Those first days at work after being home with a baby are ROUGH.
And, well, my heart ached this morning, when I took my son of 9(!) to the bus. He looked so tiny with his huge backpack. He turned and waved, - - - ahh, his little face.
Isn´t loving a child amazing?

Anonymous said...

Hi there! Cheer up, sunshine will come anyway.
I contacted you yesterday about saappaat.savessa case (Hansun kaupunki). I hope receiving mail from you. -M-

jodymerelle said...

Thanks for all your messages! I survived this first day in the end. Merci aussi Guy pour ton message...le première journée au travail maintenant est derrière moi. Heureusement!